Thursday, April 16, 2009

How do our wisdom teeth play a role in human evolution?

All i know is that it grown around late teenage ang early 20s.Why do our wisdom tooth serve to us when we entering aduthood?

How do our wisdom teeth play a role in human evolution?
Don%26#039;t know. You could ask the same about the little toe and the appendix. Doesn%26#039;t mean there isn%26#039;t a purpose.
Reply:maybe they r just slow to coming in... or maybe adults eat more veggies than kids....
Reply:Dentists say wisdom teeth are apparently a vestigial organ -- that is, one that isn%26#039;t very useful now but played an important role in the body in eons past. The diets of our prehistoric ancestors contained much more coarse food, which resulted in a larger, more developed jaw with more room for third molars. People also used to lose more permanent teeth at an early age, leaving space for wisdom teeth that would serve as replacements.

%26quot;Some say wisdom teeth are like spare tires,%26quot; says Dr. Louis Rafetto, a Wilmington, Delaware-based oral surgeon who chairs the Third Molar Task Force of the American Association of Oral Maxillofacial Surgeons. %26quot;If you lost your teeth, the wisdom teeth would be extra teeth that come in and function like normal teeth.%26quot;

acne scar

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