Thursday, April 16, 2009

What are the different types of teeth in the human mouth?

Tooth Eruption Cart

Tooth Primary Permanent

Upper Teeth

Central Incisor 8-12 months 7-8 years

Lateral Incisor 9-13 months 8-9 years

Canine 16-22 months 11-12 years

1st Premolar - 10-11 years

2nd Premolar - 10-12 years

1st Molar 13-19 months 6-7 years

2nd Molar 25-33 months 12-13 years

Wisdom Tooth - 17-21 years

Lower Teeth

Central Incisor 6-10 months 6-7 years

Lateral Incisor 10-16 months 7-8 years

Canine 17-23 months 9-10 years

1st Premolar - 10-12 years

2nd Premolar - 11-12 years

1st Molar 14-18 months 6-7 years

2nd Molar 23-31 months 11-13 years

Wisdom Tooth - 17-21 years

What are the different types of teeth in the human mouth?
a human mouth consists of following types of teeth:-

(a)incisors (b)canines (c)premolars (d)molars
Reply:molars in the very back

premolars just anterior to the molars

canine on the sides

incisors in the front
Reply:(Top %26amp; bottom are same) Front four are called incisors (front and lateral). Two sharp ones next to those are cuspids, or canines. The two behind the cuspids are the first and second bicuspid, and the three behind those two are the first, second, and third molars.

Visual Basic

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